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Multi-Multi covering design ( 100% or partial )

2013-12-14 (19:09)

status strateg1
Data rejestracji: 2011-06-28 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 1311

wpis nr 727 729

He he !

sorry I did not understand everything.

80,5,4,20 consists of approximately 1000 tickets

You need that?


Tak to zbyt dużo ! Yes it too much! 1000 tickiets !

I only needs 62 coupons from your 31 you described which

10/5 = There are 31 columns

I build on weef 80,10,4,20

---- ?

Whether it is possible or this way it is possible?

Example? don't I know how the warranty will stay?

01 02 04 06 08 <->10 11 13 17 20

01 03 04 05 07 <->09 15 16 18 20

01 03 04 09 12 <->14 15 18 19 20

02 05 07 08 10 <->11 12 14 16 19

02 06 08 09 10 <->11 13 15 17 18

03 05 06 07 12 <->13 14 16 17 19

21 22 24 26 28 <->30 31 33 37 40

21 23 24 25 27 <->29 35 36 38 40

21 23 24 29 32 <->34 35 38 39 40

22 25 27 28 30 <->31 32 34 36 39

22 26 28 29 30 <->31 33 35 37 38

23 25 26 27 32 <->33 34 36 37 39

41 42 43 48 58 <->59 60 61 66 73

41 43 44 46 58 <->60 62 67 74 76

41 44 45 47 48 <->58 62 63 65 66

41 46 48 58 64 <->66 67 74 75 76

42 44 59 61 62 <->64 67 73 75 76

42 45 46 47 59 <->61 63 65 73 74

43 44 45 46 60 <->62 63 64 74 75

43 44 46 47 60 <->62 64 65 74 75

43 44 46 48 60 <->62 66 67 74 76

43 45 47 60 63 <->64 65 67 75 76

49 50 51 52 53 <->71 72 77 78 80

49 50 55 57 69 <->70 71 77 79 80

49 51 54 55 56 <->57 68 71 78 79

49 52 53 54 56 <->68 69 70 71 72

50 51 54 56 68 <->69 70 77 78 80

50 52 53 54 55 <->56 57 68 72 80

50 52 53 54 56 <->68 72 77 79 80

51 52 53 55 57 <->69 70 72 78 79

52 53 54 55 56 <->57 68 72 77 78

----------------------------------------------- =>62 kombinacje po 5 liczb.

=> 62 combinations for 5 numbers.

Chyba lepiej tego nie ruszać powinno pozostać na 10 liczb.

Probably better not to touch it should stay to 10 numbers.

Przepraszam za kłopot muszę sam to dopracować.

I apologise for trouble I must alone touch it up.

thanks !
2013-12-15 (01:26)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 727 879

The roof comes down from 99.99% to 82%

But it's not such a bad idea

La copertura scende dal 99,99% al 82%

Ma non è una idea così cattiva

Dach zstępuje z 99,99% do 82%

Ale to nie jest taki zły pomysł
2013-12-16 (00:34)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 728 410

80,10,5,20 98,19%

01 02 03 04 05 42 43 44 45 46

01 06 07 08 09 42 47 48 49 50

01 10 11 12 13 42 51 52 53 54

01 38 39 40 41 42 79 80 77 78

02 14 15 16 17 43 55 56 57 58

02 18 19 20 21 43 59 60 61 62

03 14 15 18 19 44 55 56 59 60

03 16 17 20 21 44 57 58 61 62

04 14 15 20 21 45 55 56 61 62

04 16 17 18 19 45 57 58 59 60

05 09 12 38 39 46 50 53 79 80

05 09 12 40 41 46 50 53 78 80

06 22 23 24 25 47 63 64 65 66

06 26 27 28 29 47 67 68 69 70

07 22 23 28 29 48 63 64 69 70

07 24 25 26 27 48 65 66 67 68

08 22 23 26 27 49 63 64 67 68

08 24 25 28 29 49 65 66 69 70

10 30 31 32 33 51 71 72 73 74

10 34 35 36 37 51 75 76 77 78

11 30 31 36 37 52 71 72 77 78

11 32 33 34 35 52 73 74 75 76

13 30 31 34 35 54 71 72 75 76

13 32 33 36 37 54 73 74 77 78

2013-12-16 (08:04)

status strateg1
Data rejestracji: 2011-06-28 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 1311

wpis nr 728 425


01 02 03 04 05 - 42 43 44 45 46

01 06 07 08 09 - 42 47 48 49 50

01 10 11 12 13 -42 51 52 53 54

01 38 39 40 41 - 42 77 78 79 80 <-- tu mały błąd ->42 77 78 79 80 poprawiony. Qui un piccolo errore.

Te dwie kombinacje są inne chyba dla podtrzymania gwarancji ?

Queste due combinazioni sono altre, fatta eccezione per l'assistenza in garanzia?

02 14 15 16 17 - 43 55 56 57 58

02 18 19 20 21 -43 59 60 61 62

03 14 15 18 19 -44 55 56 59 60

03 16 17 20 21 -44 57 58 61 62

04 14 15 20 21 - 45 55 56 61 62

04 16 17 18 19 -45 57 58 59 60

05 09 12 38 39 - 46 50 53 79 80

05 09 12 40 41- 46 50 53 78 80

06 22 23 24 25- 47 63 64 65 66

06 26 27 28 29 -47 67 68 69 70

07 22 23 28 29 -48 63 64 69 70

07 24 25 26 27 -48 65 66 67 68

08 22 23 26 27 -49 63 64 67 68

08 24 25 28 29 -49 65 66 69 70

10 30 31 32 33 -51 71 72 73 74

10 34 35 36 37 -51 75 76 77 78

11 30 31 36 37 -52 71 72 77 78

11 32 33 34 35 -52 73 74 75 76

13 30 31 34 35 -54 71 72 75 76

13 32 33 36 37 -54 73 74 77 78

Kombinacje lustrzane - Specchio combinazioni

Szukam coś takiego na 5 skreśleń 16 liczb gwarancja 4 na 6 trafnych liczb.

16 5 4 6 64/ <-- weEfs tu trochę dużo ?

Sto cercando qualcosa di simile per 5 eliminazioni 16 numeri garanzia diventa 4 a 6 numeri. Un po' tanto?

Posiadam i gram na 48 kombinacji 16 liczb po 5 skreśleń.

HO e sto su 48 combinazione 16 numeri dopo 5 eliminazioni.

2013-12-16 (18:37)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 728 642

16,5,4,6 97% , 49 ticket:01 02 03 04 11

01 02 06 08 13

01 02 06 09 10

01 02 07 09 14

01 03 04 12 13

01 03 05 15 16

01 03 06 14 16

01 04 06 07 15

01 04 08 10 16

01 05 07 10 13

01 05 08 09 12

01 05 08 11 14

01 07 09 11 16

01 10 12 14 15

01 11 12 13 15

02 03 04 09 16

02 03 05 10 14

02 03 06 12 14

02 03 07 13 15

02 04 05 12 15

02 04 08 12 14

02 05 06 07 16

02 05 09 11 13

02 07 08 10 11

02 10 12 13 16

02 11 14 15 16

03 04 08 14 15

03 05 06 08 13

03 05 07 11 15

03 05 07 12 14

03 06 07 08 10

03 08 11 12 16

03 09 10 11 13

03 09 10 12 15

04 05 06 09 14

04 05 11 13 16

04 06 07 11 12

04 06 10 13 15

04 07 08 09 13

04 07 10 14 16

04 09 10 11 14

05 06 10 11 12

05 08 09 10 15

06 07 11 13 14

06 08 09 11 15

06 09 12 13 16

07 08 12 15 16

08 10 13 14 16

09 13 14 15 16

I have this old work on my Hd, is not so bad

2013-12-16 (19:31)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 728 660

16,7,5,7 99,99999999999999999999%

(cover 11439/11440 combination) 30 ticket:

01 02 03 07 10 12 16

01 02 04 06 08 09 16

01 02 05 06 11 12 14

01 02 06 07 10 13 15

01 03 04 07 08 11 14

01 03 05 06 07 09 13

01 03 06 09 10 15 16

01 03 09 12 13 14 15

01 04 05 07 09 14 15

01 04 09 10 11 12 13

01 05 08 10 13 14 16

01 07 08 11 12 15 16

02 03 04 05 11 13 15

02 03 04 06 10 13 14

02 03 05 08 09 10 11

02 03 05 08 14 15 16

02 03 06 07 09 11 15

02 04 05 07 08 12 13

02 04 08 10 11 14 15

02 05 09 10 12 15 16

02 07 09 11 13 14 16

03 04 05 06 08 12 15

03 04 05 09 12 14 16

03 04 08 10 13 15 16

03 05 07 10 12 14 15

03 06 08 11 12 13 16

04 05 06 07 10 11 16

04 06 12 13 14 15 16

05 06 08 09 11 13 15

06 07 08 09 10 12 14

2013-12-16 (20:18)

status strateg1
Data rejestracji: 2011-06-28 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 1311

wpis nr 728 671

I have this old work on my Hd, is not so bad


Thanks !

Zobaczymy jak mi będzie wychodzić ?

Staremo a vedere come ho intenzione di venire fuori?

1 2 3 4 6

1 2 3 10 13

1 2 5 7 14

1 2 7 12 16

1 3 5 13 15

1 3 11 14 15

1 4 6 8 12

1 4 7 9 10

1 4 8 9 11

1 5 9 10 12

1 5 11 13 14

1 6 7 11 16

1 6 8 10 14

1 8 12 15 16

1 9 13 15 16

2 3 4 9 16

2 3 9 11 14

2 4 5 6 11

2 4 5 8 15

2 5 6 9 15

2 6 12 14 16

2 7 8 10 11

2 7 11 12 13

2 8 9 10 15

2 8 13 14 16

2 10 12 13 15

3 4 6 12 13

3 4 7 14 15

3 5 7 8 16

3 5 7 9 16

3 5 8 10 12

3 6 7 10 15

3 6 8 13 16

3 8 9 11 12

3 10 11 12 14

4 5 8 13 14

4 5 10 11 16

4 7 9 12 13

4 7 12 14 15

4 10 11 13 16

4 10 14 15 16

5 6 7 10 13

5 6 9 12 14

5 11 12 15 16

6 7 8 11 15

6 9 10 14 16

6 9 11 13 15

7 8 9 13 14

--------------------- Tu mam 48 kombinacji na te kombinacje gram czasami.

Qui ho una 48 combinazioni su queste combinazioni di che gioco a volte.

U nas za 5 trafień na 5 liczb płacą 700 zł /= 160 euro.

Koszt nadania kuponów to około 130 zł/ = 30 euro

Con noi per 5 colpi su 5 numeri paga 700zł. / = 160 euro.Il costo di dare buoni a circa 130 zł / = 30 euro

Na taką wygraną trzeba pracować tydzień !

La vincita che si deve lavorare una settimana!

Multi Multi Gra na "5" to dobra i opłacalna gra.

Więcej liczb trudno trafić.

Gioco Multi Multi su «5» è un gioco di buono e redditizio.Più numeri è difficile da colpire.

OK thanks

2013-12-16 (22:18)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 728 790

Il tuo file:

Verifica per 5 estratti: 1-1[5](1.099%); 1-3[4](52.060%); 4-10[3](46.841%);

Verifica per 6 estratti: 1-2[5](6.556%); 1-4[4](86.364%); 12-16[3](7.080%);

Verifica per 7 estratti: 1-3[5](22.107%); 1-7[4](77.858%); 23-24[3](0.035%);

Verifica per 8 estratti: 1-3[5](51.709%); 3-11[4](48.291%);
2013-12-16 (22:32)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 728 796

se unisco il tuo file con il mio file, ottengo questo 48 colonne con la garanzia del 97%

E' un ottimo miglioramento

join if your file with my file, I get this 48 columns with a guarantee of 97%

It 'a great improvement

dołączyć, jeśli plik z mojego pliku, mam to 48 kolumn, z gwarancją 97%

To wielki postęp

01 02 03 04 15

01 02 05 10 16

01 02 07 13 14

01 02 08 09 14

01 03 04 07 08

01 03 05 07 16

01 03 06 08 11

01 03 06 09 10

01 04 06 12 14

01 04 09 11 16

01 05 08 10 15

01 05 09 12 13

01 06 11 13 15

01 07 10 11 12

01 08 12 13 16

02 03 05 12 14

02 03 08 10 12

02 03 11 13 16

02 04 05 08 13

02 04 06 07 16

02 04 07 09 10

02 05 06 09 15

02 06 10 11 14

02 07 08 11 15

02 09 12 14 16

02 10 12 13 15

03 04 05 10 11

03 04 06 09 13

03 05 08 09 16

03 06 07 14 15

03 07 11 12 13

03 08 13 14 15

03 09 11 12 15

03 10 12 15 16

04 05 07 12 15

04 06 08 15 16

04 08 11 12 14

04 09 10 14 15

04 10 13 14 16

05 06 07 10 13

05 06 08 13 14

05 06 11 12 16

05 07 09 11 14

05 11 14 15 16

06 07 08 09 12

07 08 10 14 16

07 09 13 15 16

08 09 10 11 13

After per 6 estratti: 1-2[5](6.556%); 1-4[4](86.364%); 12-16[3]a(7.080%);

Before per 6 estratti: 1-1[5](6.593%); 1-4[4](90.310%); 11-17[3](3.097%);
2013-12-17 (06:16)

status strateg1
Data rejestracji: 2011-06-28 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 1311

wpis nr 728 869


05 06 07 10 13<--- ta kombinacja jest u mnie powtórzona.

05 06 08 13 14 Questa combinazione è con me.

05 06 11 12 16

05 07 09 11 14

05 11 14 15 16

06 07 08 09 12

07 08 10 14 16

07 09 13 15 16

08 09 10 11 13

Połączyć te dwa zestawy to będzie 95 zakładów .

Combinare queste due serie saranno 95 stabilimenti.

Potrzebna mniejsza ilość kombinacji.

È necessario meno combinazioni.

Kto szuka to znajdzie.

Chi è alla ricerca di esso.

Thanks !

2013-12-17 (18:05)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 729 052

80,10,5,20 Paramini 186 colonne/ticket 100%

80,10,5,20 Partial Covering 124 Colonne/Ticket 97,4%

01 02 05 06 07 10 15 19 35 39

01 02 05 07 14 23 24 27 31 39

01 02 05 07 20 24 25 35 36 37

01 02 06 14 18 19 24 31 36 37

01 02 06 19 20 23 25 27 31 36

01 02 10 14 15 18 20 23 31 35

01 02 10 15 18 25 27 36 37 39

01 05 06 07 10 14 15 20 27 37

01 05 06 07 10 15 18 23 24 25

01 05 07 14 18 19 20 25 36 39

01 05 07 18 19 23 27 31 35 37

01 06 14 23 25 31 35 36 37 39

01 06 18 20 24 27 31 35 36 39

01 10 14 15 19 24 25 27 35 36

01 10 15 19 20 23 24 31 37 39

02 05 06 07 14 18 25 27 31 35

02 05 06 07 18 20 23 36 37 39

02 05 07 10 14 15 19 23 25 37

02 05 07 10 15 18 19 20 24 27

02 06 10 14 15 20 24 25 31 39

02 06 10 15 23 24 27 35 36 37

02 14 19 20 27 31 35 36 37 39

02 18 19 23 24 25 31 35 36 39

03 04 08 09 11 12 21 29 32 40

03 04 08 09 13 16 22 28 32 38

03 04 08 09 17 26 28 30 32 34

03 04 08 11 12 13 17 30 38 40

03 04 08 11 12 22 28 33 34 40

03 04 08 13 17 21 22 26 29 33

03 04 08 16 21 29 30 33 34 38

03 08 11 13 16 22 26 30 34 40

03 08 11 16 17 26 28 33 38 40

03 09 11 12 13 26 32 33 34 38

03 09 11 12 16 17 22 30 32 33

03 09 13 21 28 29 30 32 33 40

03 09 17 21 22 29 32 34 38 40

03 11 12 13 16 17 21 28 29 34

03 11 12 21 22 26 28 29 30 38

04 08 11 12 13 16 26 28 30 33

04 08 11 12 16 17 22 26 34 38

04 09 11 13 16 17 32 33 34 40

04 09 11 22 26 30 32 33 38 40

04 09 12 13 21 22 29 30 32 34

04 09 12 17 21 28 29 32 33 38

04 11 13 21 26 28 29 34 38 40

04 11 16 17 21 22 28 29 30 40

05 06 07 14 19 20 23 24 35 36

05 06 07 19 24 25 27 31 37 39

05 07 10 14 15 18 24 35 37 39

05 07 10 14 15 23 24 27 31 36

05 07 10 15 20 23 25 27 35 39

06 10 14 15 18 19 23 27 36 39

06 10 15 18 19 20 25 31 35 37

08 09 11 12 13 21 26 28 29 32

08 09 11 16 17 21 26 29 32 38

08 09 12 13 17 22 26 28 32 40

08 09 12 16 28 30 32 34 38 40

08 11 13 17 22 28 30 33 34 38

08 12 13 16 21 22 29 33 38 40

08 12 17 21 26 29 30 33 34 40

09 16 21 22 26 28 29 32 33 34

14 18 20 23 24 25 27 31 36 37

41 42 45 46 47 50 55 59 75 79

41 42 45 47 54 63 64 67 71 79

41 42 45 47 60 64 65 75 76 77

41 42 46 54 58 59 64 71 76 77

41 42 46 59 60 63 65 67 71 76

41 42 50 54 55 58 60 63 71 75

41 42 50 55 58 65 67 76 77 79

41 45 46 47 50 54 55 60 67 77

41 45 46 47 50 55 58 63 64 65

41 45 47 54 58 59 60 65 76 79

41 45 47 58 59 63 67 71 75 77

41 46 54 63 65 71 75 76 77 79

41 46 58 60 64 67 71 75 76 79

41 50 54 55 59 64 65 67 75 76

41 50 55 59 60 63 64 71 77 79

42 45 46 47 54 58 65 67 71 75

42 45 46 47 58 60 63 76 77 79

42 45 47 50 54 55 59 63 65 77

42 45 47 50 55 58 59 60 64 67

42 46 50 54 55 60 64 65 71 79

42 46 50 55 63 64 67 75 76 77

42 54 59 60 67 71 75 76 77 79

42 58 59 63 64 65 71 75 76 79

43 44 48 49 51 52 61 69 72 80

43 44 48 49 53 56 62 68 72 78

43 44 48 49 57 66 68 70 72 74

43 44 48 51 52 53 57 70 78 80

43 44 48 51 52 62 68 73 74 80

43 44 48 53 57 61 62 66 69 73

43 44 48 56 61 69 70 73 74 78

43 48 51 53 56 62 66 70 74 80

43 48 51 56 57 66 68 73 78 80

43 49 51 52 53 66 72 73 74 78

43 49 51 52 56 57 62 70 72 73

43 49 53 61 68 69 70 72 73 80

43 49 57 61 62 69 72 74 78 80

43 51 52 53 56 57 61 68 69 74

43 51 52 61 62 66 68 69 70 78

44 48 51 52 53 56 66 68 70 73

44 48 51 52 56 57 62 66 74 78

44 49 51 53 56 57 72 73 74 80

44 49 51 62 66 70 72 73 78 80

44 49 52 53 61 62 69 70 72 74

44 49 52 57 61 68 69 72 73 78

44 51 53 61 66 68 69 74 78 80

44 51 56 57 61 62 68 69 70 80

45 46 47 54 59 60 63 64 75 76

45 46 47 59 64 65 67 71 77 79

45 47 50 54 55 58 64 75 77 79

45 47 50 54 55 63 64 67 71 76

45 47 50 55 60 63 65 67 75 79

46 50 54 55 58 59 63 67 76 79

46 50 55 58 59 60 65 71 75 77

48 49 51 52 53 61 66 68 69 72

48 49 51 56 57 61 66 69 72 78

48 49 52 53 57 62 66 68 72 80

48 49 52 56 68 70 72 74 78 80

48 51 53 57 62 68 70 73 74 78

48 52 53 56 61 62 69 73 78 80

48 52 57 61 66 69 70 73 74 80

49 56 61 62 66 68 69 72 73 74

54 58 60 63 64 65 67 71 76 77

2014-01-06 (01:02)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 737 634

Multi use partial covering, 104 ticket:

40,10,03,03 97,4%

40,10,04,06 99,3%

40,10,05,09 98,9%

40,10,06,13 99,8%

21 22 23 25 27 28 37 38 39 40

09 10 11 12 19 20 25 26 27 28

23 24 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

25 26 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 36

13 14 15 16 26 27 37 38 39 40

01 19 20 29 30 32 37 38 39 40

02 03 04 30 31 32 37 38 39 40

01 02 03 04 29 31 37 38 39 40

09 10 11 12 17 18 37 38 39 40

05 06 07 08 17 18 19 20 38 40

04 08 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40

02 06 10 14 19 23 27 31 36 40

01 05 09 13 18 22 26 30 36 40

03 07 11 15 17 21 25 29 36 40

04 07 09 14 18 21 27 32 35 40

02 05 11 16 17 22 28 31 35 40

01 06 12 15 20 23 25 30 35 40

03 08 10 13 19 24 26 29 35 40

04 06 11 13 17 23 26 32 34 40

02 08 09 15 18 24 25 31 34 40

01 07 10 16 19 21 28 30 34 40

03 05 12 14 20 22 27 29 34 40

04 05 10 15 19 22 25 32 33 40

02 07 12 13 20 21 26 31 33 40

01 08 11 14 17 24 27 30 33 40

03 06 09 16 18 23 28 29 33 40

05 06 07 08 21 22 23 24 37 39

01 06 12 15 18 21 27 32 36 39

03 08 10 13 17 22 28 31 36 39

04 07 09 14 20 23 25 30 36 39

02 05 11 16 19 24 26 29 36 39

01 05 09 13 20 24 28 32 35 39

03 07 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39

04 08 12 16 18 22 26 30 35 39

02 06 10 14 17 21 25 29 35 39

01 08 11 14 19 22 25 32 34 39

03 06 09 16 20 21 26 31 34 39

04 05 10 15 17 24 27 30 34 39

02 07 12 13 18 23 28 29 34 39

01 07 10 16 17 23 26 32 33 39

03 05 12 14 18 24 25 31 33 39

04 06 11 13 19 21 28 30 33 39

02 08 09 15 20 22 27 29 33 39

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 39

03 05 12 14 17 23 26 32 36 38

01 07 10 16 18 24 25 31 36 38

02 08 09 15 19 21 28 30 36 38

04 06 11 13 20 22 27 29 36 38

03 06 09 16 19 22 25 32 35 38

01 08 11 14 20 21 26 31 35 38

02 07 12 13 17 24 27 30 35 38

04 05 10 15 18 23 28 29 35 38

03 07 11 15 20 24 28 32 34 38

01 05 09 13 19 23 27 31 34 38

02 06 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38

04 08 12 16 17 21 25 29 34 38

03 08 10 13 18 21 27 32 33 38

01 06 12 15 17 22 28 31 33 38

02 05 11 16 20 23 25 30 33 38

04 07 09 14 19 24 26 29 33 38

09 17 18 19 20 33 34 35 36 37

02 07 12 13 19 22 25 32 36 37

04 05 10 15 20 21 26 31 36 37

03 06 09 16 17 24 27 30 36 37

01 08 11 14 18 23 28 29 36 37

02 08 09 15 17 23 26 32 35 37

04 06 11 13 18 24 25 31 35 37

03 05 12 14 19 21 28 30 35 37

01 07 10 16 20 22 27 29 35 37

01 03 04 29 30 31 32 33 34 37

02 05 11 16 18 21 27 32 34 37

04 07 09 14 17 22 28 31 34 37

03 08 10 13 20 23 25 30 34 37

01 06 12 15 19 24 26 29 34 37

02 06 10 14 20 24 28 32 33 37

04 08 12 16 19 23 27 31 33 37

03 07 11 15 18 22 26 30 33 37

01 05 09 13 17 21 25 29 33 37

09 10 11 12 29 30 33 34 35 36

05 06 07 08 25 26 33 34 35 36

13 14 15 16 21 22 33 34 35 36

01 02 03 04 17 18 33 34 35 36

05 06 07 15 16 25 26 27 28 35

09 10 11 12 21 22 23 24 33 34

19 21 22 23 24 27 29 30 31 32

10 11 13 14 15 16 29 30 31 32

05 06 07 08 09 12 29 30 31 32

18 20 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32

17 18 19 23 24 25 26 27 31 32

17 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32

17 19 20 21 24 25 27 28 29 32

17 18 21 22 23 25 26 29 30 31

17 19 20 22 23 25 27 28 30 31

18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30

01 02 03 04 08 14 25 26 27 28

01 02 03 04 15 16 21 22 23 24

01 02 03 04 10 11 17 18 19 20

01 02 06 08 09 10 11 12 15 16

03 04 05 06 07 10 11 12 15 16

01 02 05 06 07 10 12 13 14 16

03 04 05 07 08 09 10 13 14 16

03 04 06 08 09 11 12 13 14 15

01 02 05 07 08 09 11 13 14 15

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 12 13

2014-01-06 (15:20)

status strateg1
Data rejestracji: 2011-06-28 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 1311

wpis nr 737 907

Witam tarullig komuś się przyda

Na 10 liczb mało kto gra ciężko trafić.

Jak tam w Nowym Roku 2014 ?

Ciao tarullig qualcuno pratico piccolo numero 10, che gioca duro.Come là nel nuovo anno entro il 2014?
2014-01-12 (16:47)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 740 964

HI ! Fine, thank you

This is a 80,08,05,20 99,98%

Please check it on Multi-Multi archive for me

01 02 03 10 11 12 19 20

01 02 03 13 14 15 23 24

01 02 03 16 17 18 21 22

01 02 04 05 07 08 19 22

01 03 04 06 07 09 16 23

01 04 07 08 12 20 21 24

01 04 07 10 11 13 14 17

01 05 09 10 14 18 19 21

01 05 09 11 15 16 22 24

01 05 09 12 13 17 20 23

01 06 08 10 15 17 19 24

01 06 08 11 13 18 21 23

01 06 08 12 14 16 20 22

02 03 05 06 09 12 15 18

02 04 09 10 15 17 21 23

02 04 09 11 13 18 20 22

02 04 09 12 14 16 19 24

02 05 08 10 12 13 16 23

02 05 08 11 14 15 17 18

02 05 19 20 21 22 23 24

02 06 07 10 14 18 22 24

02 06 07 11 15 16 20 23

02 06 07 12 13 17 19 21

03 04 08 10 14 18 20 23

03 04 08 11 15 16 19 21

03 04 08 12 13 17 22 24

03 05 07 10 15 17 20 22

03 05 07 11 13 18 19 24

03 05 07 12 14 16 21 23

03 06 08 09 11 14 17 23

03 06 09 10 13 16 19 22

04 05 06 10 11 12 23 24

04 05 06 13 14 15 21 22

04 05 06 16 17 18 19 20

07 08 09 10 11 12 21 22

07 08 09 13 14 15 19 20

07 08 09 16 17 18 23 24

10 13 15 16 18 20 21 24

11 12 14 16 17 20 21 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

25 26 27 28 33 34 35 36

25 26 27 28 37 38 39 40

25 26 29 30 33 34 37 38

25 26 29 30 35 36 39 40

25 26 31 32 33 34 39 40

25 26 31 32 35 36 37 38

25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39

25 27 29 31 34 36 38 40

25 27 30 32 33 35 38 40

25 27 30 32 34 36 37 39

25 28 29 32 33 36 37 40

25 28 29 32 34 35 38 39

25 28 30 31 33 36 38 39

25 28 30 31 34 35 37 40

26 27 29 32 33 36 38 39

26 27 29 32 34 35 37 40

26 27 30 31 33 36 37 40

26 27 30 31 34 35 38 39

26 28 29 31 33 35 38 40

26 28 29 31 34 36 37 39

26 28 30 32 33 35 37 39

26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

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2014-01-12 (17:34)

status strateg1
Data rejestracji: 2011-06-28 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 1311

wpis nr 740 985

Sprawdziłem wyrywkowo najczęściej wchodzi 5 liczb jako opłacalne. tych wyników jest najwięcej a 6-7-8 tylko kilka.

Check most often enter 5 number as profitable. It is these results maximally but several 6-7-8 only.

0001. 12.01.2014 5/8

0001. 02.12.2013 5/8


Czy Ty chcesz aby sprawdzić wyniki od początku ile wychodziło trafień 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 ?

If you want how many results from start in order to check leave 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 It has entered ?

Good luck !
2014-01-12 (18:26)

status engee30
Data rejestracji: 2013-03-05 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 693

wpis nr 741 013

Oto cala rozpiska z trafionymi i wygranymi:

Here is the full report of hits and winnings:



w sumie 8ka trafiona 8 razy

8 hits of 8's in total

Ticket: 01|02|03|10|11|12|19|20


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

12 6 720

124 5 2 480

653 4 2 612

Tickets won 790 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 412z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 005,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|02|03|13|14|15|23|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

19 6 1 140

143 5 2 860

678 4 2 712

Tickets won 840 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 712z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 705,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|02|03|16|17|18|21|22


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

3 7 1 800

12 6 720

150 5 3 000

623 4 2 492

Tickets won 788 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 012z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 405,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|02|04|05|07|08|19|22


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

14 6 840

134 5 2 680

648 4 2 592

Tickets won 797 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 712z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 705,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|03|04|06|07|09|16|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

16 6 960

140 5 2 800

655 4 2 620

Tickets won 812 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 980z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 437,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|04|07|08|12|20|21|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

20 6 1 200

138 5 2 760

619 4 2 476

Tickets won 777 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 436z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 981,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|04|07|10|11|13|14|17


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

21 6 1 260

151 5 3 020

641 4 2 564

Tickets won 813 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 844z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 573,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|05|09|10|14|18|19|21


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


1 8 22 000

0 7 0

15 6 900

126 5 2 520

631 4 2 524

Tickets won 773 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 27 944z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

+ 8 526,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|05|09|11|15|16|22|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

18 6 1 080

159 5 3 180

629 4 2 516

Tickets won 807 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 376z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 041,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|05|09|12|13|17|20|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

20 6 1 200

157 5 3 140

657 4 2 628

Tickets won 834 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 968z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 449,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|06|08|10|15|17|19|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

18 6 1 080

123 5 2 460

658 4 2 632

Tickets won 800 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 772z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 645,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|06|08|11|13|18|21|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


1 8 22 000

1 7 600

21 6 1 260

136 5 2 720

587 4 2 348

Tickets won 746 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 28 928z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

+ 9 510,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 01|06|08|12|14|16|20|22


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

16 6 960

103 5 2 060

668 4 2 672

Tickets won 788 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 292z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 125,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|03|05|06|09|12|15|18


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

15 6 900

142 5 2 840

598 4 2 392

Tickets won 756 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 732z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 685,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|04|09|10|15|17|21|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

9 6 540

153 5 3 060

624 4 2 496

Tickets won 786 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 096z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 321,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|04|09|11|13|18|20|22


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

23 6 1 380

131 5 2 620

689 4 2 756

Tickets won 844 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 356z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 061,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|04|09|12|14|16|19|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

16 6 960

143 5 2 860

618 4 2 472

Tickets won 777 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 292z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 125,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|05|08|10|12|13|16|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

16 6 960

138 5 2 760

605 4 2 420

Tickets won 759 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 140z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 277,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|05|08|11|14|15|17|18


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

14 6 840

159 5 3 180

625 4 2 500

Tickets won 799 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 120z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 297,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|05|19|20|21|22|23|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

14 6 840

130 5 2 600

683 4 2 732

Tickets won 828 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 772z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 645,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|06|07|10|14|18|22|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

19 6 1 140

128 5 2 560

626 4 2 504

Tickets won 775 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 404z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 013,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|06|07|11|15|16|20|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

11 6 660

155 5 3 100

665 4 2 660

Tickets won 833 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 620z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 797,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 02|06|07|12|13|17|19|21


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

13 6 780

150 5 3 000

603 4 2 412

Tickets won 768 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 392z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 025,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 03|04|08|10|14|18|20|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

18 6 1 080

140 5 2 800

630 4 2 520

Tickets won 790 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 600z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 817,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 03|04|08|11|15|16|19|21


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

24 6 1 440

136 5 2 720

597 4 2 388

Tickets won 758 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 148z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 269,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 03|04|08|12|13|17|22|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

20 6 1 200

123 5 2 460

615 4 2 460

Tickets won 760 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 320z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 097,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 03|05|07|10|15|17|20|22


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

18 6 1 080

132 5 2 640

684 4 2 736

Tickets won 835 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 056z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 361,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 03|05|07|11|13|18|19|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

14 6 840

154 5 3 080

627 4 2 508

Tickets won 796 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 028z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 389,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 03|05|07|12|14|16|21|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

15 6 900

124 5 2 480

642 4 2 568

Tickets won 781 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 5 948z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 469,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 03|06|08|09|11|14|17|23


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

20 6 1 200

146 5 2 920

620 4 2 480

Tickets won 787 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 200z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 217,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 03|06|09|10|13|16|19|22


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


1 8 22 000

2 7 1 200

15 6 900

161 5 3 220

620 4 2 480

Tickets won 799 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 29 800z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

+ 10 382,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 04|05|06|10|11|12|23|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


1 8 22 000

1 7 600

22 6 1 320

128 5 2 560

607 4 2 428

Tickets won 759 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 28 908z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

+ 9 490,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 04|05|06|13|14|15|21|22


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

3 7 1 800

21 6 1 260

136 5 2 720

652 4 2 608

Tickets won 812 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 388z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 029,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 04|05|06|16|17|18|19|20


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

24 6 1 440

144 5 2 880

654 4 2 616

Tickets won 823 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 536z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 881,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 07|08|09|10|11|12|21|22


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

14 6 840

136 5 2 720

582 4 2 328

Tickets won 733 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 488z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 929,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 07|08|09|13|14|15|19|20


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

19 6 1 140

143 5 2 860

647 4 2 588

Tickets won 810 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 188z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 229,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 07|08|09|16|17|18|23|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

21 6 1 260

144 5 2 880

609 4 2 436

Tickets won 775 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 176z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 241,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 10|13|15|16|18|20|21|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

20 6 1 200

143 5 2 860

664 4 2 656

Tickets won 828 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 316z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 101,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 11|12|14|16|17|20|21|24


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

12 6 720

158 5 3 160

612 4 2 448

Tickets won 782 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 328z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 089,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

18 6 1 080

148 5 2 960

639 4 2 556

Tickets won 807 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 796z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 621,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|26|27|28|33|34|35|36


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

16 6 960

130 5 2 600

655 4 2 620

Tickets won 802 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 780z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 637,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|26|27|28|37|38|39|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

14 6 840

134 5 2 680

600 4 2 400

Tickets won 748 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 5 920z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 497,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|26|29|30|33|34|37|38


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

19 6 1 140

156 5 3 120

633 4 2 532

Tickets won 809 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 392z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 025,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|26|29|30|35|36|39|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

21 6 1 260

115 5 2 300

656 4 2 624

Tickets won 793 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 784z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 633,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|26|31|32|33|34|39|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

13 6 780

120 5 2 400

637 4 2 548

Tickets won 772 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 928z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 489,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|26|31|32|35|36|37|38


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

15 6 900

160 5 3 200

625 4 2 500

Tickets won 800 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 600z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 817,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|27|29|31|33|35|37|39


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


2 8 44 000

0 7 0

11 6 660

149 5 2 980

607 4 2 428

Tickets won 769 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 50 068z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

+ 30 650,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|27|29|31|34|36|38|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

21 6 1 260

141 5 2 820

649 4 2 596

Tickets won 812 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 276z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 141,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|27|30|32|33|35|38|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

17 6 1 020

135 5 2 700

639 4 2 556

Tickets won 792 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 876z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 541,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|27|30|32|34|36|37|39


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

19 6 1 140

150 5 3 000

618 4 2 472

Tickets won 789 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 812z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 605,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|28|29|32|33|36|37|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

23 6 1 380

153 5 3 060

660 4 2 640

Tickets won 838 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 280z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 137,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|28|29|32|34|35|38|39


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

14 6 840

149 5 2 980

636 4 2 544

Tickets won 799 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 364z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 053,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|28|30|31|33|36|38|39


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

16 6 960

139 5 2 780

664 4 2 656

Tickets won 820 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 996z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 421,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 25|28|30|31|34|35|37|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

14 6 840

128 5 2 560

644 4 2 576

Tickets won 788 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 176z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 241,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 26|27|29|32|33|36|38|39


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

14 6 840

128 5 2 560

667 4 2 668

Tickets won 811 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 268z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 149,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 26|27|29|32|34|35|37|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

20 6 1 200

145 5 2 900

649 4 2 596

Tickets won 816 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 896z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 521,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 26|27|30|31|33|36|37|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

29 6 1 740

129 5 2 580

664 4 2 656

Tickets won 824 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 176z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 241,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 26|27|30|31|34|35|38|39


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

13 6 780

141 5 2 820

623 4 2 492

Tickets won 778 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 692z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 725,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 26|28|29|31|33|35|38|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

24 6 1 440

141 5 2 820

637 4 2 548

Tickets won 802 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 808z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 609,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 26|28|29|31|34|36|37|39


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

26 6 1 560

143 5 2 860

612 4 2 448

Tickets won 781 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 868z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 549,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 26|28|30|32|33|35|37|39


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

13 6 780

137 5 2 740

630 4 2 520

Tickets won 781 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 640z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 777,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 26|28|30|32|34|36|38|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

18 6 1 080

134 5 2 680

672 4 2 688

Tickets won 825 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 048z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 369,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 27|28|29|30|33|34|39|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

4 7 2 400

29 6 1 740

139 5 2 780

625 4 2 500

Tickets won 797 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 9 420z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 9 997,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 27|28|29|30|35|36|37|38


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

12 6 720

136 5 2 720

627 4 2 508

Tickets won 776 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 548z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 869,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 27|28|31|32|33|34|37|38


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

22 6 1 320

151 5 3 020

612 4 2 448

Tickets won 785 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 788z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 629,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 27|28|31|32|35|36|39|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

20 6 1 200

125 5 2 500

673 4 2 692

Tickets won 818 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 392z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 025,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

17 6 1 020

144 5 2 880

662 4 2 648

Tickets won 825 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 748z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 669,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 29|30|31|32|37|38|39|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

20 6 1 200

132 5 2 640

650 4 2 600

Tickets won 803 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 040z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 377,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

18 6 1 080

140 5 2 800

691 4 2 764

Tickets won 850 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 244z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 173,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|42|43|50|51|52|59|60


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

24 6 1 440

133 5 2 660

641 4 2 564

Tickets won 800 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 864z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 553,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|42|43|53|54|55|63|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

17 6 1 020

143 5 2 860

589 4 2 356

Tickets won 750 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 836z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 581,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|42|43|56|57|58|61|62


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

21 6 1 260

137 5 2 740

645 4 2 580

Tickets won 803 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 580z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 837,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|42|44|45|47|48|59|62


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

15 6 900

160 5 3 200

634 4 2 536

Tickets won 811 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 836z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 581,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|43|44|46|47|49|56|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

22 6 1 320

146 5 2 920

577 4 2 308

Tickets won 746 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 148z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 269,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|44|47|48|52|60|61|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

21 6 1 260

139 5 2 780

627 4 2 508

Tickets won 788 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 148z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 269,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|44|47|50|51|53|54|57


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


1 8 22 000

1 7 600

23 6 1 380

140 5 2 800

598 4 2 392

Tickets won 763 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 29 172z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

+ 9 754,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|45|49|50|54|58|59|61


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

19 6 1 140

115 5 2 300

599 4 2 396

Tickets won 735 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 036z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 381,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|45|49|51|55|56|62|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

3 7 1 800

19 6 1 140

106 5 2 120

648 4 2 592

Tickets won 776 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 652z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 765,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|45|49|52|53|57|60|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

19 6 1 140

133 5 2 660

624 4 2 496

Tickets won 776 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 296z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 121,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|46|48|50|55|57|59|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

3 7 1 800

23 6 1 380

127 5 2 540

592 4 2 368

Tickets won 745 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 088z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 329,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|46|48|51|53|58|61|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

14 6 840

138 5 2 760

614 4 2 456

Tickets won 766 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 056z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 361,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 41|46|48|52|54|56|60|62


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

16 6 960

142 5 2 840

625 4 2 500

Tickets won 785 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 500z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 917,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|43|45|46|49|52|55|58


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

16 6 960

137 5 2 740

600 4 2 400

Tickets won 754 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 700z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 717,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|44|49|50|55|57|61|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

18 6 1 080

163 5 3 260

583 4 2 332

Tickets won 766 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 872z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 545,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|44|49|51|53|58|60|62


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

20 6 1 200

148 5 2 960

614 4 2 456

Tickets won 782 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 616z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 801,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|44|49|52|54|56|59|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

16 6 960

146 5 2 920

592 4 2 368

Tickets won 754 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 248z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 169,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|45|48|50|52|53|56|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

3 7 1 800

25 6 1 500

143 5 2 860

632 4 2 528

Tickets won 803 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 688z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 10 729,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|45|48|51|54|55|57|58


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

16 6 960

154 5 3 080

591 4 2 364

Tickets won 761 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 404z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 013,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|45|59|60|61|62|63|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

18 6 1 080

129 5 2 580

627 4 2 508

Tickets won 775 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 768z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 649,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|46|47|50|54|58|62|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

18 6 1 080

120 5 2 400

619 4 2 476

Tickets won 757 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 5 956z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 461,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|46|47|51|55|56|60|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

21 6 1 260

133 5 2 660

612 4 2 448

Tickets won 768 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 568z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 849,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 42|46|47|52|53|57|59|61


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

15 6 900

152 5 3 040

618 4 2 472

Tickets won 786 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 012z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 405,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 43|44|48|50|54|58|60|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

18 6 1 080

138 5 2 760

642 4 2 568

Tickets won 800 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 608z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 809,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 43|44|48|51|55|56|59|61


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

9 6 540

160 5 3 200

629 4 2 516

Tickets won 798 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 256z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 161,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 43|44|48|52|53|57|62|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

24 6 1 440

146 5 2 920

599 4 2 396

Tickets won 769 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 756z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 661,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 43|45|47|50|55|57|60|62


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

11 6 660

135 5 2 700

617 4 2 468

Tickets won 765 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 028z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 389,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 43|45|47|51|53|58|59|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

13 6 780

135 5 2 700

619 4 2 476

Tickets won 767 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 5 956z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 461,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 43|45|47|52|54|56|61|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

15 6 900

128 5 2 560

620 4 2 480

Tickets won 764 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 540z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 877,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 43|46|48|49|51|54|57|63


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

25 6 1 500

135 5 2 700

572 4 2 288

Tickets won 733 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 088z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 329,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 43|46|49|50|53|56|59|62


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

3 7 1 800

22 6 1 320

124 5 2 480

604 4 2 416

Tickets won 753 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 016z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 401,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 44|45|46|50|51|52|63|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

18 6 1 080

145 5 2 900

588 4 2 352

Tickets won 751 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 332z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 085,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 44|45|46|53|54|55|61|62


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

18 6 1 080

144 5 2 880

586 4 2 344

Tickets won 749 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 904z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 513,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 44|45|46|56|57|58|59|60


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

16 6 960

164 5 3 280

611 4 2 444

Tickets won 792 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 284z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 133,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 47|48|49|50|51|52|61|62


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

22 6 1 320

123 5 2 460

670 4 2 680

Tickets won 816 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 060z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 357,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 47|48|49|53|54|55|59|60


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

17 6 1 020

166 5 3 320

606 4 2 424

Tickets won 789 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 764z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 653,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 47|48|49|56|57|58|63|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

16 6 960

132 5 2 640

640 4 2 560

Tickets won 788 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 160z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 257,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 50|53|55|56|58|60|61|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

13 6 780

134 5 2 680

550 4 2 200

Tickets won 697 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 5 660z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 13 757,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 51|52|54|56|58|60|61|64


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

3 7 1 800

18 6 1 080

124 5 2 480

609 4 2 436

Tickets won 754 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 796z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 621,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|66|67|68|69|70|71|72


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

19 6 1 140

180 5 3 600

637 4 2 548

Tickets won 837 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 888z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 529,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|66|67|68|73|74|75|76


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

25 6 1 500

153 5 3 060

625 4 2 500

Tickets won 805 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 260z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 157,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|66|67|68|77|78|79|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

19 6 1 140

148 5 2 960

645 4 2 580

Tickets won 813 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 280z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 137,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|66|69|70|73|74|77|78


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

21 6 1 260

158 5 3 160

642 4 2 568

Tickets won 822 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 588z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 829,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|66|69|70|75|76|79|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

21 6 1 260

147 5 2 940

605 4 2 420

Tickets won 773 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 620z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 797,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|66|71|72|73|74|79|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

22 6 1 320

125 5 2 500

655 4 2 620

Tickets won 804 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 640z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 777,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|66|71|72|75|76|77|78


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

4 7 2 400

17 6 1 020

140 5 2 800

647 4 2 588

Tickets won 808 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 808z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 10 609,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|67|69|71|73|75|77|79


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

3 7 1 800

18 6 1 080

149 5 2 980

649 4 2 596

Tickets won 819 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 456z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 10 961,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|67|69|71|74|76|78|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

20 6 1 200

160 5 3 200

638 4 2 552

Tickets won 818 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 952z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 465,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|67|70|72|73|75|78|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

28 6 1 680

148 5 2 960

639 4 2 556

Tickets won 815 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 196z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 221,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|67|70|72|74|76|77|79


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

16 6 960

152 5 3 040

648 4 2 592

Tickets won 817 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 192z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 225,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|68|69|72|73|76|77|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

15 6 900

145 5 2 900

672 4 2 688

Tickets won 832 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 488z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 929,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|68|69|72|74|75|78|79


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

23 6 1 380

152 5 3 040

663 4 2 652

Tickets won 839 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 672z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 745,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|68|70|71|73|76|78|79


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

18 6 1 080

159 5 3 180

668 4 2 672

Tickets won 847 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 132z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 285,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 65|68|70|71|74|75|77|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

4 7 2 400

20 6 1 200

158 5 3 160

657 4 2 628

Tickets won 839 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 9 388z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 10 029,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 66|67|69|72|73|76|78|79


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

14 6 840

165 5 3 300

634 4 2 536

Tickets won 814 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 276z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 141,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 66|67|69|72|74|75|77|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


1 8 22 000

0 7 0

19 6 1 140

180 5 3 600

627 4 2 508

Tickets won 827 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 29 248z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

+ 9 830,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 66|67|70|71|73|76|77|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

15 6 900

147 5 2 940

649 4 2 596

Tickets won 812 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 036z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 381,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 66|67|70|71|74|75|78|79


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

16 6 960

165 5 3 300

617 4 2 468

Tickets won 799 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 328z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 089,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 66|68|69|71|73|75|78|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

28 6 1 680

165 5 3 300

656 4 2 624

Tickets won 849 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 604z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 813,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 66|68|69|71|74|76|77|79


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

24 6 1 440

130 5 2 600

650 4 2 600

Tickets won 805 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 240z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 177,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 66|68|70|72|73|75|77|79


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

23 6 1 380

138 5 2 760

641 4 2 564

Tickets won 803 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 304z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 113,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 66|68|70|72|74|76|78|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

17 6 1 020

158 5 3 160

642 4 2 568

Tickets won 817 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 748z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 669,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 67|68|69|70|73|74|79|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

22 6 1 320

150 5 3 000

669 4 2 676

Tickets won 842 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 596z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 821,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 67|68|69|70|75|76|77|78


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

23 6 1 380

148 5 2 960

643 4 2 572

Tickets won 816 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 8 112z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 305,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 67|68|71|72|73|74|77|78


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

16 6 960

150 5 3 000

645 4 2 580

Tickets won 813 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 740z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 677,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 67|68|71|72|75|76|79|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

1 7 600

25 6 1 500

140 5 2 800

656 4 2 624

Tickets won 822 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 524z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 893,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 69|70|71|72|73|74|75|76


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

0 7 0

17 6 1 020

162 5 3 240

613 4 2 452

Tickets won 792 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 6 712z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 12 705,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 69|70|71|72|77|78|79|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

22 6 1 320

146 5 2 920

620 4 2 480

Tickets won 790 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 920z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 497,50z&sup3;

Ticket: 73|74|75|76|77|78|79|80


Hits out of 8 gave the winnings of (in PLN):


0 8 0

2 7 1 200

24 6 1 440

138 5 2 760

640 4 2 560

Tickets won 804 / 7767 draws gave the winnings in total of (in PLN) 7 960z&sup3; / 19 417,50z&sup3;

- 11 457,50z&sup3;
2014-08-26 (15:23)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 829 146

28,9,3,3 55 ticket 99,9999% cover

01 02 03 06 16 19 22 24 27

01 02 04 09 12 15 18 19 23

01 02 05 10 17 18 19 20 28

01 02 05 11 13 14 19 20 25

01 02 07 08 10 17 19 21 26

01 03 04 07 09 11 14 16 17

01 03 05 08 12 16 18 21 25

01 03 06 07 11 15 16 23 28

01 03 10 13 15 16 20 23 26

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01 08 11 14 15 21 22 23 24

01 09 12 13 14 21 25 27 28

02 03 04 05 10 12 13 17 27

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02 04 07 08 09 13 19 23 28

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02 06 11 16 19 21 22 27 28

02 10 11 16 17 18 22 23 25

03 04 06 15 17 18 21 22 26

03 04 07 08 15 17 21 27 28

03 04 08 17 19 20 23 24 25

03 05 06 09 11 12 20 22 23

03 05 07 12 14 15 19 24 26

03 05 08 10 13 15 20 22 28

03 06 07 08 10 13 14 22 25

03 09 10 11 13 18 19 21 24

03 12 14 15 19 24 25 26 28

04 05 06 09 10 11 16 20 28

04 05 06 10 14 16 19 21 23

04 05 07 08 10 11 15 18 20

04 05 07 10 12 14 20 25 28

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04 13 14 15 16 18 24 25 27

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05 10 20 21 23 24 26 27 28

05 11 16 17 20 21 24 26 27

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06 08 11 12 13 15 16 17 19

06 11 13 16 17 18 24 26 28

07 08 09 10 12 16 23 24 27

09 12 13 14 17 21 23 25 26

09 12 14 17 18 22 23 25 28

10 12 15 19 20 21 22 25 27
2014-08-26 (21:36)

status edi8
Data rejestracji: 2007-04-03 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 41774

wpis nr 829 240

C(28,9,3,3) 56 100%
2014-08-26 (23:15)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 829 289

hi Edi

:) was 56

the file up readable come to 55 ticket 100%

(i think is possible also with ininuga)
2014-08-31 (00:56)

status tarullig
Data rejestracji: 2013-12-12 00:00:00
Ilość postów: 77

wpis nr 830 241

Edi, have you a copy of wheel generator version 1.7 ?

(a old program, 2009 I think)
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